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IT-495 Senior Seminar

Course Description:

Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, students in their final semester are required to utilize their full scope of training and academic abilities in the design and development of an individualized computer-based management information system intended for business use. The project entails system conceptualization, detailed documentation, design, writing and testing of student written software, hardware specifications, user training manuals and other support and background materials. Students also are required to “sell” the project results at a formal presentation to fellow seminar members and faculty Projects and teams are critiqued on the basis of content, approach, and degree of professionalism.

Personal Reflection

The Senior Seminar course gives students a chance to put all their acquired knowledge together in a single project equivalent to a real-world information technology project. We are to work on a Professor approved project for the semester and deliver a functional system based on our project scope. To successfully deliver the project, we must use skills acquired in Information Technology Project Management, Systems Analysis & Design, Advanced Web Design, Network Security, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), and Database Administration. In addition, all the major courses help build the skills required for the Senior Seminar course. Therefore, I advise anyone taking a bachelor's degree course at Monroe College to attempt all the major courses because their courses are exceptionally well put together to give students maximum benefits.
Our group completed the planning and design phase for our system design for the course as of week 6. The group leader assigned me to design the database schema for our system, which I created using Lucid Charts and MySQL since our database backend is MySQL. My task for week 7 is to implement my database design in MySQL and create the PHP files necessary for CRUD operations. Through many tutorials and online forums, I was able to develop the required PHP files on a local server and tested the system for errors. I learned that you could add any number of tables to the WordPress tables and, using post types, send data from WordPress to your database. In addition, I learned that by creating triggers, I could copy registration data from WordPress to our database tables. With the knowledge I gained in week 7, I can now create a complete database frontend using the WordPress content management system.
Feel free to access our Gym Membership system at, which is approximately 40% complete. However, the CRUD operations will only be accessible to registered members; therefore, it is not accessible until we finish building the system. A preview of CRUD is available at; however, you can only add registered usernames such as "desmond" or "desmondw."